Texas Baptist Seminary
TrainingThe Next Generation For Christ

Academic Programs Offered

Academic Programs Offered at Texas Baptist Seminary
(Credits for Diploma) 
Diploma 32; Associates Credits 64;  Bachelor Credits 128

(Associates)   (Bachelor)
* General Teaching and Education   (64)         (128)

* Bus Workers (32)

* Rest Home Ministry (32)

* Church Secretary  (32)

                               (Diploma)   (Associates)     (Bachelor)
* General Studies   (32)        (64)           (128)

* Sunday School Teacher  (32)
                                                                         (Associates)    (Bachelor)
* Media Management and Graphics Design  (64)         (128)

(Associates)   (Bachelor)
* Missions     (64)        (128)

* Music Director  (64)

* Song Leader  (32)

                                    (Associates)   (Bachelor)
* Pastoral Assistant    (64)         (128)

* Pastoral Theology  (128)

(Associates)    (Bachelor)
* Youth Pastor        (64)        (128)

* Military Ministry    (32)

* Addictions Ministry      (64)
                                (Associates)    (Bachelor)
*General Business   (32)          (64)

* Basic Bible Understanding   (16) Certificate Only

                                   (Associates)    (Bachelor)
* Creation Science     (64)          (128)
(At this time we are offering on a very limited basis the Masters or Doctorate Programs)